
A color sorter was used as a countermeasure against foreign substances in raw wheat before milling. However, it was difficult to distinguish stones of similar color and size to wheat, and these remained without being removed.


An X-ray inspection system was introduced that can distinguish between wheat and stones based on density differences. Stones, previously difficult to detect, can now be removed, resulting in fewer complaints.

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Background:Stones in raw wheat before milling cause flour complaints.

We produce whole wheat flour (whole grain flour), ingredient of confections and breads, inspect the raw wheat before milled. If the wheat is milled with stones mixed in, the texture of the stones remains and the quality of the flour deteriorates, sometimes leading to complaints. Stones can also cause wear and tear on the rollers that grind the wheat.

Reason of installation:Pebbles that could not be found with the existing system can be inspected with the X-ray inspection system.

Even when a color sorter was used, stones that were similar in appearance to wheat for whole grain could not be removed and remained. We therefore considered an X-ray inspection system that could distinguish between wheat and stones by density and requested a sample test. We found that it could detect pebbles of the size we wanted to remove without any problem, and decided to install the system.

How it works:Flour quality improved, leading to new sales channels and increased production!

The introduction of the X-ray inspection system have not only reduced the number of complaints, but also drew positive feedbacks from our customers about improved flour quality. The reputation of the system has also led to an increase in new customers. A second sysytem has now been installed to cope with the increased production volume.






*Some cases may contain special options as necessary.
*Contents are subject to change without prior notice.



Medium size X-ray Inspection System SX2-4074W

Due to its unique sealed structure, the machine has water and dust proof as conforming to IP66. Therefore, it can be kept sanitary by washing the entire body. Our original algorism can detect tiny foreign objects inside products. Metal/Stone/Glass/Bone/Resin etc. can be found even the product is packaged by can or aluminum materials, and unpackaged.

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